Archive for February, 2008

Rising with your MLM Team

I used to think that leaders distinguished themselves by rising above their people. It’s the “cream of the crop” theory. That was a mistake. I’ve learned that MLM leaders distinguish themselves by rising with their people, and there’s a world of difference between those two.

Leaders take people with them on the journey. You don’t go by yourself. If you’re going by yourself, you are not a leader. You might be a very self-made, successful person, but you’re not a leader. You’ve got to decide whether you’re going to be a tour guide or a travel agent.

Travel agents give you brochures and tell you all about the trip, but they’ve never even been there. They get the tickets for you, give you a planner and send you off somewhere. You don’t want to be a travel agent; you don’t want to be sending people where you’ve never been, you want to be a tour guide. You want to bring your people along with you and say, “Let me show you something. I’m going to take you places where I’ve been and lived, and tell you all about them as we go. I’m going to let you in on the journey.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Treat it Like a Business, because it IS

As a professional networker, I value my time more than anything else.  If there is one thing that burns me more it is people who say “yes” to the business and then don’t treat it like one.

MLM aka Network Marketing IS a Business and it requires the same dedication as if you were spending millions of dollars to start any other kind of business.  Of course, in network marketing you can get started for under $100. and so it seems some people don’t take it seriously.  That’s sad, because it is one of the greatest wealth opportunities available to anyone that could literally make you an MLM – Network Marketing fortune, like it has for me. Read the rest of this entry »

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Belly to Belly or Virtual (Offline or Online)

Here’s a topic that will be debated for a LONG time and with 60 years of history for the belly-to-belly crowd, some may never convert.  I AM a total and complete convert to the internet after experiencing the power and savings that the Virtual aspect provides.  Today (and for years) I generate a totally online MLM income.

I am a big believer that our Industry is all about bringing people together and that means creating community.

All communities need gathering places.  Think of the corner pub, the office lunchroom, the neighborhood bookstore, the local hobby shop, the village church, that hip downtown music club, or the Hotel ballroom – all places where people can gather in groups.

Virtually, a gathering place can be a mailing list, a discussion topic, a chat room, a multi-player game, a forum or bulletin board, a website, or some combination of these.  In fact Social Marketing (via MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Ryze and dozens of others) are the newest craze getting more hits than Google! Read the rest of this entry »

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It’s Time to write a Check

Don’t let that subject line scare you, I’m going to explain in a minute.

There’s a world of difference between wanting something and absolutely having to have something.  Have you ever noticed that people always seem to earn just enough money to cover their expenses?  Whatever they GOT To Earn, they will earn.  Why don’t most people earn more than just enough to cover their expenses? Because they don’t have to!

If you want to do better in life, you have to make living a certain lifestyle and achieving a certain level of financial independence a personal GOT TO.  Right now, you probably want many things.  But wanting isn’t going to do it.  You’ve probably wanted them a long time…which is why you haven’t got them.  And you won’t get them until you convert your wants into “magnificent obsessions”.  Until you are filled with a Fervent Desire and a Burning Need to have more, you are always going to have about what you’ve currently got.  To have More, you not only have to BEcome more; you also have to require more. Read the rest of this entry »

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11 Factors stopping You from signing up your MLM Leads

Have you ever been certain an MLM lead was going to join your group, only to have him turn you down? Do you struggle to bring people into the business, while others in your company have much higher success rates? Have you ever wondered why some people, who are obviously “perfect” for the business, never even seriously consider it?

The answer to all these scenarios may be one or more of the 11 little-known but critical factors in play throughout your recruiting process. Each of these 11 factors has a serious effect on the ways prospects view both you and your MLM opportunity.  In fact, if you didn’t cover these with your current Reps, you will see they come in play there, too!

Some of them may be addressed by your website or personal meeting, others during a telephone call (with or without your sponsor); still others may be handled in the follow-up emails they receive; but they all must be addressed someplace, or your results will suffer.

For each of these factors that you don’t deal with correctly, you will meet with a corresponding decrease in the number of qualified people you sign up. By this, I mean that you will miss signing up good people, who would do well in an MLM business if they did join. The more of the 11 factors not addressed in your system, the more good people you’re missing. Read the rest of this entry »

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Getting past Price Objections

A lot of people get stumped the minute someone says, “Oh, I think that’s too expensive,” but price objections are rarely really about price at all. Many of the people who get this objection are simply delivering monologues to their prospects.

They’re boring them and making them uncomfortable— and a price objection is an easy way for the prospect to put an end to the conversation. 

Then, since the Networker doesn’t know what to say next, they “shut up.” Prospect wins.

The thing you need to remember is this: If you can identify the value of your MLM product for someone, even if they’re broke, they’ll try to find the money to do it.

Your first step is to determine people’s interest by asking casual questions. If the person is even mildly interested in your story, you want to find out what caused that little bit of curiosity— and if you give them a chance, they’ll gladly tell you.

Be alert to whatever sparked their interest, because that’s the benefit they want. If you’re listening intently, you can then align your presentation to show them how they can get those benefits with what you have to offer.

Since you’re citing benefits they just told you they want, you know they will be interested and see the value.

Most legitimate price objections are based on a lack of perceived value— the value of what you’ve presented doesn’t seem equal to the cost involved.

If there are other distributors presenting your MLM products or MLM opportunity successfully, then you can!

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Are you a Good Boss for yourself?

Over this 3 day holiday, I got together with some of my MLM leaders and we discussed what makes one person oustanding in the business, while another might flounder.  It got down to a discussion of habits.

To be a success in your MLM business; it is essential to take a closer look at your habits.  Some people will enroll and they have habits that are conducive to getting them off to a quick start and keeping themselves on the right track.  Others come laden with habits that are detrimental to establishing or sustaining any serious momentum. Read the rest of this entry »

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