A simple Formula for MLM success that anyone can follow

I ran across an interesting little distinction that, when fully understood and properly applied, will forever change the way you think, act, and teach the art of building your MLM business.

Interested? Thought you might be…

“To develop your potential for effective leadership, begin with the strengths and abilities you already possess. [Because] You are always stronger when you keep your successes and strengths in mind.”

Vince Lombardi, who coached two teams to World Championships, observed that when football games were over, it always seemed that errors got more attention than successes. The newspaper and television media would highlight, analyze, and discuss the mistakes. One day, Lombardi decided, ‘From now on, we are only going to replay our winning plays.’ And look what happened to him and his team—his theory worked!

Only replay our winning plays… Interesting concept.

How about you? What plays are you running over, and over, and still over again on that all too familiar screen inside your head?

And what would happen if you were to only focus on what you did right? If you were to only replay those presentations that worked? If you were to only recognize your successes, and then repeat those accomplishments again, and again, and again? What might happen to your attitude, to your business, and to your life?

These are fascinating questions to ponder…

Leaders also understand, we must get back to the basics once every year. Echoing this, recall Vince Lombardi’s most famous quote… His team had already won the World Championship. So how did training camp begin the following summer? Lombardi gathered his men together, and to his World Champions—with pigskin in hand—uttered his now immortal words, “Gentlemen, this is a football.”


So what would this, “Getting back to the basics, with a focus on what you’re doing right!” look like for your business? Well, because at its essence, Network Marketing is about three things, it would look something like this:

 1) Prospecting—You’ve got to find ‘em.
 2) Presentation—You’ve got to involve ‘em.
 3) Duplication—You’ve got to teach ‘em how to do the same.

Therefore, acquire the knowledge, apply the skills, and teach everyone on your team how to do the same. Focus on what you do right. Repeat.

Now that’s replaying what works… A simple formula for success anyone can follow.

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