Do your qualities match your MLM prospects qualities?
Effective MLM leaders are always on the lookout for good people. I think each of us carries around a mental list of what kind of people we would like to have in our MLM organization.
Think about it. Do you know who you’re looking for right now? What is your profile of the perfect MLM prospect?
What qualities do these people possess? Do you want them to be aggressive and entrepreneurial? Are you looking for leaders? Do you care whether they are in their twenties, forties, or sixties? Stop right now, take a moment, and make a list of the qualities you’d like to see in the people on your MLM team. Find a pencil or pen, and do it now before you read any farther.
My People Would Have These Qualities and Characteristics: Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: believe it, leadership, MLM, MLM leaders, MLM organization, MLM prospect, MLM Team