Archive for March, 2008

Turning No’s into Business

You’ve obviously found that everyone you speak to isn’t going to say Yes, but did you know that MOST people won’t say NO twice to you?  Especially if it’s someone you know, like and trust!  So when you realize that, you can work it to your benefit.

When someone tells you “No thanks”, Thank them for being open and honest about it and then ask; “Would you be one of my Ambassadors? 

We all have Great respect for Ambassadors…their out there creating Goodwill for each others countries.  So could you be one of my Ambassadors?  All you have to do is refer people to me when you run across (use STEAM) anyone that you know enjoys Sales, loves to Teach, is Enthusiastic, has a good Attitude, or is looking to make extra Money.  Would you be willing to do that for me? Read the rest of this entry »

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Are you Familiar with S.I.N.A.L.O.A

The reason why some people don’t do well in an MLM  business is because they don’t understand what they get paid for.  As an MLM Distributor, you do not get paid for making sales or sponsoring others, you get paid for talking to people!  If you talk to enough people on a consistent, daily basis, results (i.e., making sales and enrolling others) are automatic!

One of the most important concepts for every new distributor to understand is S.I.N.A.L.O.A. (Safety In Numbers And Law Of Averages).  S.I.N.A.L.O.A. means that if you do something consistently, over a prolonged period of time, the numbers will always produce a Law of Averages for you.  This is a great MLM Accountability technique for you to easily grasp.

For example, suppose you were to pass out 250 business cards this week, and that as a result of passing out those cards you made 5 sales for a total profit of $50.  Your law of averages would be that, for every 250 business cards you pass out, you get paid .20 per card – regardless of how people respond!  Whether someone calls or doesn’t call, whether someone says yes or no, you get paid .20 for every card you pass out and for every person you talk to!

And that’s where the Safety in Numbers part of the equation comes in.  If you pass out another 250 business cards, chances are excellent that you will make another $50, profit or .20 per card.

Once you have established your Law of Averages, by talking to enough new people every day, achieving your goals becomes automatic!

You see when you keep records of what activities you are doing it enables you to clearly SEE your Law of Averages.  Once you have established your Law of Averages, you will then know exactly what to do every day to achieve your Business Plan.

So the key here is to keep good records of what you’re doing and follow your DMO consistently! 

Contrary to what the old adage suggests, practice doesn’t make perfect, Practice makes Permanent!  Whatever we do on a daily basis becomes part of our permanent habit patterns.  By consistently applying what you learn, you will develop the right habits – Permanently!  Discipline habits.  Commitment habits.  Attitude habits.  Consistency habits – all of the habits you need not only to build a thriving business, but to enjoy a lifetime of wealth and happiness.

What you do with what you learn is going to determine what lies ahead for you.  If you practice this new concept consistently, then what lies ahead for you is a future filled with exciting personal challenges and phenomenal personal growth.  How high you climb toward the summit of achievement, however, is entirely in your hands.  You are the variable that is going to determine where these new concepts take you in the months ahead. 

You could be discussing the activities you are engaging in and trying to determine your S.I.N.A.L.O.A., with your upline.  It shows them you want to be accountable for your MLM success.

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Ready to learn the Success Triangle

If you can master the Success Triangle, then you will achieve whatever you have set your mind to!  You see everything we do is based on what we have programmed our mind FOR.  These are the angles to the Success Triangle:

Internal communication  (what you say to yourself)
External Communication  (what you say to others)
Technical Know-how      (how you do the things you do)

Mastery requires 1) Time, 2) Energy, 3) Frustration, and 4) Change.

Isaac Newton says “We move until interrupted by something and we will continue on a path until that interruption occurs”. 

We know people get started in an MLM business because they are looking for certain results.  We also know that Your Beliefs are what creates Your Actions, which will create Your Results. Read the rest of this entry »

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Choose Your Friends and MLM Business Associates Wisely

“When you choose your friends, don’t be short-changed by choosing personality over character.”   William Somerset Maugham

If you look only at the opportunities that come to you and never at the people who bring them, you take the chance of getting yourself into longstanding situations (let’s call them relationships) that may tug you gradually (or even suddenly) away from the person you want to be and turn you into someone you’d find disagreeable.

Remember, what you do most of in life is what you become — whether you like it or not.  Be smart when you pick your friends, because you will become them.

The people with whom we surround ourselves have a great deal to do with what we become. This is an especially important consideration in our MLM business, where we come into contact with all sorts of characters — brilliant and motivated, brilliant but lazy, dull but dedicated, dull and lazy. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fundamentals of Effective MLM Networking

As paradoxical as it sounds, there are many Network Marketers out there who never network. They never engage in the process and mechanics of networking to build their list of contacts with any speed. I’ve often wondered why this is the case. Who knows — maybe it’s lack of understanding about what it takes to succeed in this business, maybe fear, maybe just lack of know-how.

Yet networking can jumpstart an MLM business like nothing else, and it’s vital for maintaining a profitable MLM business. Here I’ve outlined seven fundamental actions we all need to do to fully access the potential Network Marketing offers each of us:

  1. Be Where People Are
  2. Expectation Intention
  3. Host Mentality
  4. Plant First, Harvest Later
  5. Discover for Connection
  6. Reconnect and FollowUp
  7. Provide Value

Let’s look at each one of these for better clarity. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Top 10 Activities of Top Networkers

Are you interested in finding out what other real mlm hitters did to succeed? After interviewing hundreds of highly successful MLM Marketers by phone, email, and in person, it became clear to me that there are ten activities nearly all of them have in common. Here’s what I learned and have to say about it:

1)  Sign up new people personally every month. They all said the same thing: The number one thing they did to be successful and reach their level of income was to personally sponsor new people every single month. When I first started, I calculated that if I put in three to five new customers or distributors every day, seven days a week, for four years, I would have 6,000 people in my business. In that compensation program, that would be enough to be earning a million dollars. So for four years, I strived to do that, either with personal contacts or helping people in my organization. Even though I’ve reached a high income, I don’t stop personally bringing new people in.

2)  Develop leaders every one to three months. It’s important to personally sponsor people as customers every month, but you need to also focus on finding new Business builders so you’ll have a minimum of four, if not 12, new people at the end of the year to work with. In my experience, most people who sign up as customers rarely decide later to build the business. They usually do it within the first two weeks or never. I don’t know if that’s true in every company, but that’s what I’ve found.  So attain new distributors monthly. Read the rest of this entry »

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Are you Your Best Cheerleader?

Rah-Rah-Rah, Sis-Boom-Bah!!

Of all the communication you do, none is more important than how you talk to yourself. Your internal dialogue has more to do with your MLM success in life than any other factor.

Every minute you are awake, you engage in 800 to 1,200 words of self-dialogue. In these conversations, you solve problems or create them, make decisions or avoid them, judge, praise, disparage or motivate yourself. You can dwell on past mistakes or plan future achievements.

Obviously, the more positive your self talk, the stronger and better prepared you become to face your daily challenges. Read the rest of this entry »

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