Archive for May, 2008

When Your Dream is Big Enough… You’re Rich!

What will keep you charging in your MLM Multi Level Network Marketing business when you have a bad day? Think about it. People in traditional businesses have two primary advantages over us networkers: 

#1) They have a lot of money invested; therefore, when they have a bad day, they are not likely to throw in the towel and quit. Sure they may think about it, but they will also think about the mortgage they have on their home, and the money they borrowed from friends and family members. This usually will keep them in their business even when someone returns the only product that they sold for the day or when they have to use their Visa to pay off MasterCard. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Joys of Repeated Failure, especially in Network Marketing

For most of us, “failure” has a tragic and undeserved reputation as something bad and painful. It’s very unfair, and it holds us back and limits our success. If “failure” had an attorney, it would have an excellent chance of winning a lawsuit for defamation and slander.  :-)

Too often, we view failure as reflecting on the person who “failed”. We view them (or ourselves) as having poor judgment, poor skills, or lack of character! How absurd!

There are only a handful of ways to “fail”, and I don’t view any of them as bad.

First, you can “fail” by losing a competition. I remember talking to a high school athlete who defined himself as “slow” because he lost a race to the state’s fastest sprinter. I also remember a beautiful and talented woman who defined herself as “ugly” because in college she finished fourth in a beauty pageant.  How, exactly, are those examples of “failure”?

Are you beating yourself up when you don’t win your MLM Companies product retailing contest?  Or when there are bonuses for new sponsoring activities?  Why? Read the rest of this entry »

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Becoming A Successful Distributor in MLM – Network Marketing

What separates a successful networker from one who has yet to succeed? Simply this: Successful distributors do the daily disciplines (DMO) destined to take him or her—over time—to greatness!

So if you’re ready to become a success in network marketing, here is a proven success formula you should consider:

* Read a good book for 30-minutes every day.
* Listen to 30-minutes of an audio program every day.
*Take a class at least four times every year.

You see, successful distributors, and those who want to become successful distributors, select one area of their business to improve monthly—and then they go to work on getting better! Because serious students of success are truly focused on mastering the fundamentals: Read the rest of this entry »

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With Network Marketing YOU can become the architect of your own destiny

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world; it corresponds with your dominant patterns of thinking.

This is an extraordinary principle. It explains most happiness and unhappiness, most success and failure, most greatness and meaninglessness in life. After years of study in this area, I still stand in awe before this powerful law, like standing and looking out over the vastness of the Grand Canyon.

Just think! Your outer world reflects your inner world in every way. Nothing can happen to or for you in the long term until and unless it corresponds to something inside of you.  If you want to change or improve anything in your life, you must begin by changing the inner aspects of your mind.

Sometimes this is called the “mental equivalent.” Your greatest responsibility in life is to create within yourself the mental equivalent of what you want to experience on the outside. The fact is that you cannot achieve it on the outside until you have first created it on the inside.

It is as though your life is a 360-degree mirror. Wherever you look, there you are. Your relationships for example, always reflect back to you the kind of person you are on the inside. Your attitude, your health and your material conditions are a reflection of the way you think most of the time.

This is hard for most people to accept. Most people think that the problems in their lives are caused by other people and circumstances. They are shocked and angered to be told that they are the primary architects of everything that happens to them. They want others to change. They want the world to change. But they do not want to change themselves.

The Law of Correspondence is a foundational principle of virtually all religions and schools of thought. It is really great news. It is the key to personal freedom and happiness.  It is the high road to great success and fulfillment.

There is only one thing in the world that you can control, and that is the way YOU think. However, when you take complete control over your thinking, you take control over all the other aspects of your life. By thinking and talking only about what you want, and by refusing to think or talk about what you don’t want, you become the architect of your own destiny.

So do you know what you Really, Really, Really Want? Maybe you should re-visit that.

Your MLM business is where it is because of your thinking and not anything happening around you.  The bigger the Why in You, the Bigger the Check.

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How much time does it take to create success for any MLM Business?

When I was 21 years old, my mentor asked me what I thought the value of an hour was. I honestly did not know how to answer the question. He went on to teach me one of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned.

He suggested that the value of an hour was priceless. This confused me some, so this is what he said to me.

If you invest one hour each day in understanding yourself and your environment better, you will accumulate nine 40-hour weeks over the course of a year!


As you can imagine I was blown away when he put it to me that way.

Nine 40- hour weeks? This seemed impossible until I did the math. Read the rest of this entry »

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Your MLM Prospects want Extra Cash and YOU can Help

“It is not what we read, but what we remember, that makes us learned. It is not what we intend, but what we do, that makes us useful. It is not a few faint wishes, but a life long struggle, that makes us valiant.”  – Henry Ward Beecher, 19th century

Here we are in the 21st Century—and isn’t that still True today?  Wisdom of the decades.  Are you learning?  Are you growing?  Because if you’re not you’re falling backwards. 

For things to change, you have to change and for things to get better, you have to get better.  Because if you continue to think the way you’ve always thought you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got!  Is that enough?

Just consider the impact you could make on your MLM Prospects life — and which you could also share:

The internet allows You to have an impact on any MLM leads  financial life… today. Read the rest of this entry »

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Live magnificently and enjoy the process as you build your MLM Network Marketing Business

“Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment chop wood and carry water.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb

A typical conversation I have with individuals (almost weekly) is something to the effect of: “When I get to this point in my business/career, I will…. or when I get to this income level, I will… or when I achieve this reward, then I will… These statements are always followed by some action or behavior that they are going to put into practice AFTER they achieve or acquire their “magic bullet.”


– When I get this next level in my MLM business, then I will spend more time with my family. – When I make $$$ then I will donate a portion of my income to a worthy cause.

We could come up with numerous examples but I think you get the gist. When I hear this comment, regardless of the context or the promise, my answer is typically, “No you probably won’t.” Why? Because if the habit has not been developed it will not be acted upon. Life does not miraculously change until YOU change. Read the rest of this entry »

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