How To Make Your Wildest MLM DREAMS A Reality

According to Bill Gates there are 3 keys to success in any new venture:

1) Being in the right place at the right time. (You could well be already there!)

2) Have a vision of where the industry/business you’re working in is going!

3) Taking Massive and Immediate Action! (It is time to act!)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the quality of their dreams.”  It was Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the famous German poet and philosopher who said those wise words.

Here are my 15 steps to fulfilling my wildest MLM dreams…

Know and accept your weaknesses and faults (we all have them), but even more so your strengths, abilities and gifts.  Build on your strengths and try to minimize or improve on your weaknesses. An honest, objective analysis of yourself is the first step in preparing you for MLM success and realizing
your dreams. Celebrate you for just being you, a unique creation. Read the rest of this entry »

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The MLM Winners Mindset

You are your most important critic. There is no opinion so vitally important to your well being as the opinion you have of yourself.

As you read this you’re talking to yourself right now. “Let’s see if I understand what is meant by that… How does that compare with my experiences? – I’ll make note of that – try that tomorrow – I already knew that… I already do that.”

I believe this self-talk, this psycholinguistics or language of the mind can be controlled to work for us, especially in the building of self-confidence and creativity. We’re all talking to ourselves every moment of our lives, except during certain portions of our sleeping cycle. We’re seldom even aware that we’re doing it. We all have a running commentary in our heads on events and our reactions to them. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Power of Great Questions in MLM

Let’s focus on finding the solutions and strategies you need to make your MLM dreams come true. You have a dream – now lets ask, How are you going to make it come true?

Success requires that we ask practical, powerful, positive questions every day.

Almost all human behavior is the result of asking and answering a question. Whether we realize it or not, when we adjust the thermostat, we are taking action based on the question, “How can I make this room more comfortable?”

Similarly, when we stand in front of the cabinet or refrigerator, we are often hoping to answer the question, “What will satisfy my hunger?”

In the same way, our personal and business decisions are the result of answering questions we ask ourselves. Typically, we choose a career based on questions such as, “What would I love to do?” or “What are my skills?”. Sometimes we select a job based on questions like, “What opportunities are available?” or, “Where can I get a job to support myself and my family?” Read the rest of this entry »

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Achieving BIG MLM Goals… And Three Steps You Can Take

Goals are supposed to be motivating, aren’t they?

But if you’re not careful, there is one trap that can transform a magnificent goal into an overwhelming obstacle.  I know all too well, because I’ve been trying to blast through, climb over, or go around one of those obstacles myself for the last few months.

Many times goals are pretty straightforward and require little more than your consistent commitment to action. Then there are times when we set BIG, complex goals that take us where we’ve never been before. Those goals that have us blazing a path where no one has gone before require us to gather a team of experts to bring the goal to reality.   Look to your upline (s) and even your MLM Company for that team of experts.

The same trap is always there, but with these BIG goals this stumbling block can become like a black hole that sucks anything nearby into the abyss – including your energy, motivation and momentum. Read the rest of this entry »

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Treat it Like a Business, because it IS

As a professional networker, I value my time more than anything else.  If there is one thing that burns me more it is people who say “yes” to the business and then don’t treat it like one.

MLM aka Network Marketing IS a Business and it requires the same dedication as if you were spending millions of dollars to start any other kind of business.  Of course, in network marketing you can get started for under $100. and so it seems some people don’t take it seriously.  That’s sad, because it is one of the greatest wealth opportunities available to anyone that could literally make you an MLM – Network Marketing fortune, like it has for me. Read the rest of this entry »

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Achieving Your Dreams in MLM

While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily working at building and enjoying an MLM fortune. Everything just seems to work out for them. And here sits the much larger group, wondering how life can be so unfair, so complicated and unjust. What’s the major difference between the little group with so much and the larger group with so little?

Despite all of the factors that affect our lives – like the kind of parents we have, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in – none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our ability to dream.

Dreams are a projection of the kind of life you want to lead.  Dreams can drive you. Dreams can make you skip over obstacles. Read the rest of this entry »

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