Rising with your MLM Team

I used to think that leaders distinguished themselves by rising above their people. It’s the “cream of the crop” theory. That was a mistake. I’ve learned that MLM leaders distinguish themselves by rising with their people, and there’s a world of difference between those two.

Leaders take people with them on the journey. You don’t go by yourself. If you’re going by yourself, you are not a leader. You might be a very self-made, successful person, but you’re not a leader. You’ve got to decide whether you’re going to be a tour guide or a travel agent.

Travel agents give you brochures and tell you all about the trip, but they’ve never even been there. They get the tickets for you, give you a planner and send you off somewhere. You don’t want to be a travel agent; you don’t want to be sending people where you’ve never been, you want to be a tour guide. You want to bring your people along with you and say, “Let me show you something. I’m going to take you places where I’ve been and lived, and tell you all about them as we go. I’m going to let you in on the journey.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Are you a Good Boss for yourself?

Over this 3 day holiday, I got together with some of my MLM leaders and we discussed what makes one person oustanding in the business, while another might flounder.  It got down to a discussion of habits.

To be a success in your MLM business; it is essential to take a closer look at your habits.  Some people will enroll and they have habits that are conducive to getting them off to a quick start and keeping themselves on the right track.  Others come laden with habits that are detrimental to establishing or sustaining any serious momentum. Read the rest of this entry »

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MLM: Need some VoiceMail Magic?

As you create your DMO, phoning people may be part of it and one thing I learned is you can’t bury your head in the sand when it comes to dealing with voice mail in cold market prospecting. So if you are buying MLM leads you have probably already found that you average 50 percent live contacts and 50 percent voice mail messages during any one week of prospecting calls. More importantly, you want to get seven out of ten prospects to return your call within 24 hours.

How is this possible in the cold market?

With what I like to call “voice mail magic.”

There are two critical elements to developing a voice mail message that prospects can’t resist. The first element is the “words you use”. The worst mistake you can make is to “wing it” when you leave a message for someone in the cold market. Always remember that the cold market doesn’t know you, doesn’t care about you, and if you don’t get their attention in the first ten seconds, it’s over. They will erase your message and go on to the next 25 messages they have waiting for them.

Here are the exact words I use to get a 70 percent call back return: Read the rest of this entry »

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MLM: Listening For Success

Most of us think we listen. We do — to ourselves. We have a “listening repertoire.” We listen “hurry up; get to the bottom line; yeah, yeah, yeah; been there, done that; who do you think you are? yeah, right; prove it.” A speaker has as much opportunity to be heard in a roaring crowd of football fans as he or she would standing in front of someone listening with their “listening repertoire.” Whatever we’re listening to, it’s rarely the speaker.

MLM Leaders who listen allow the speaker to recognize and experience being fully heard, to fully unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow and come to life in the presence of listening.

Who are the MLM leaders you go to for advice, coaching, feedback? Not to the “practical ones” who tell you exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it. You go to the leaders who listen, brainstorm without censorship, are the least bossy. It’s because by discussing your problems and circumstance with them, you then know “what to do” about it yourself. Read the rest of this entry »

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