Celebration of 232 Years of Independence and Freedom

In celebration of the United States’ Independence, we all should reflect on the true story of five men who broke through their terror barrier and made a commitment to something huge.  Just as all of us networkers do when we build huge MLM Teams and make a difference in people’s lives.

The thirteen colonies (what would become the United States) were being taxed unfairly under Great Britain’s rule. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman were the five men that stood up for the Colonist’s rights. They argued that Great Britain had no jurisdiction to tax the Colonies. Read the rest of this entry »

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Become a Mega Networker, not just for business but in Life

Everyone’s heard of using a circle of network contacts to find the right job or increase sales in business, but getting everything you want in life can be accomplished through networking too.

Networking can extend to virtually every facet of life – even dating – and it can have an enormously positive impact on your happiness and success. I know from experience that you can have mega results in your life by having a mega mindset and using mega networking skills. The person with such skills will always out perform those with little knowledge of networking.

Become a Mega Networker in Life as Well as in Business!

Mega networking skills can be learned and you can use the same networking process to get everything you want in life. They are based on solid principles. First is the law of attraction. When you are well grounded in your purpose, have clarity for what you desire most, and are focused on your specific needs, the universe will come to your aid through your network. People who spend time each day getting clear on what it is that they want, always will be able to get what they want. Read the rest of this entry »

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If You Don’t Attempt The Shot, You Can’t Score in MLM Network Marketing

It is a well-documented fact that the players who hold the record for the highest goals, hits, or baskets also miss more than other players.

Some even hold the record for both!

Why? Well, they know that the only way they are going to ‘score’ is by attempting to in the first place. They know that they WILL score on a certain percentage of their efforts – so they shoot as much as they can.

Remember…missing only means that you are one step closer to scoring.

Network Marketers can be challenged Read the rest of this entry »

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Become Mentally Tough and Fire Your Boss

Are you ready to fire your boss and become a full-time Networker? If so, read on. If you’ve already canned the clown, this information will virtually guarantee your freedom for life. The secret lies in the real estate between your ears.

The most important presentations you will ever make will be the ones to yourself. “Mental toughness” is the ability to communicate with yourself — especially when you’re under pressure.

Whether you’re telephone prospecting, doing a one-on-one, or conducting a follow-up call your willingness to be your own best friend might very well make or break you in your MLM Multi Level Marketing Network Marketing business. Every MLM’er I’ve ever coached either developed mental toughness or failed. It’s that critical.

Here is how network marketing superstars build mental muscle: Read the rest of this entry »

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Treat it Like a Business, because it IS

As a professional networker, I value my time more than anything else.  If there is one thing that burns me more it is people who say “yes” to the business and then don’t treat it like one.

MLM aka Network Marketing IS a Business and it requires the same dedication as if you were spending millions of dollars to start any other kind of business.  Of course, in network marketing you can get started for under $100. and so it seems some people don’t take it seriously.  That’s sad, because it is one of the greatest wealth opportunities available to anyone that could literally make you an MLM – Network Marketing fortune, like it has for me. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Qualities of Skillful MLM Leadership

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manager, as a networker. I call leadership the great challenge of life. What’s important in leadership is refining your skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective. Here are some specific qualities I have learned over the years:

  • Learn to be bold but not a bully. It takes boldness to win the day. To build your influence, you’ve got to walk in front of your MLM organization. You’ve got to be willing to take the first arrow, tackle the first problem, discover the first sign of trouble.
  • You’ve got to learn to be humble, but not timid. You can’t get to the high life by being timid. Some people mistake timidity for humility. Humility is a devotion. A sense of awe. A sense of wonder. An awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that there is something unique about the human drama versus the rest of life. Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the feeling that we’re part of the stars. So humility is a virtue; but timidity is a disease. Timidity is an affliction. It can be cured, but it is a problem. Read the rest of this entry »
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Start Leveraging Failure in your MLM business

The dreaded F-word, failure — it is so important, so common, and yet so misunderstood. Succeeding in Network Marketing depends on knowing how to apply the same leverage principles that make the business model work to the failures you’ll encounter in your day-to-day experience as a Networker.

Few people choose to study their own failures except to lament the consequences and formulate what they believe to be corrective solutions. Most of us have strong tendency to concentrate on the negative side of failure — it’s all bad. (This is terrible., I was counting on Bill to join! It’s no wonder, I must have sounded so stupid on the phone. . . . The meeting was awful! This one prospect just wouldn’t shut up about pyramids so it got all tense and no one signed up…. Oh my God, the company’s gone bankrupt, how am I going to explain it to my group ?!) While the experience of a failed effort can range from mildly unpleasant to devastating, in focusing on the experience alone, we miss the significant positive contributions. The fact is that, like it or not, it’s impossible to be successful without experiencing some degree of failure. Of course we want to avoid it, but how many of us avoid it at such costs that we end up avoiding success with equal determination?

By promoting a more informed and tolerant opinion of failure, I hope to counter the pressure that causes people to respond to failure in ways that inhibit progress and spawn more of the same.  I suggest instead that failure can be a compass for day-by-day progress as you build your Network Marketing business.

Your Failure Guarantee:
Perfectionism Read the rest of this entry »

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