Are you clear on where your MLM business is headed

When you get to where you’re going, where will you be?

If you can’t answer this question, you may need to ask yourself a different question:  Why are you in business?

Anyone can start a home-based business in the MLM Network Marketing industry, but to be one of those businesses that succeeds and continues to flourish isn’t so easy.  As a small business owner, it’s essential that you establish a vision for your business in order to understand where your MLM business is headed.

Another way to look at it, do you want to be in business for the long-term or short-term?

Here are 7 areas to review to have a complete picture of where your business is headed: Read the rest of this entry »

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How to Beat the Cycle of Procrastination in your MLM Business

Do you ever get a feeling that your entire MLM Team is in Procrastination?  Let’s see if we can pull together and help those we work with by identifying your issues and then theirs.

Success Tip #1:
The actions you execute each and every day are your choice and under your control.

If you’re anything like I was, you’ll relate to the piles of paper that build up, and tasks you never seem to get the time to complete. All the little things around the house that need to be completed, along with the annoyance and frustration they cause.

Interestingly enough, the more responsibilities I take on, the more I knew I needed to tackle that dirty little habit.  I knew that it would become a severe limiter on my success if I let this all too common habit permeate my life.

And that’s all procrastination really is – a bad habit.

Success Tip #2:
The good news is that if you can develop bad habits, you can also develop good ones!

All you need to do to get started on creating success habits, is to have desire. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Support Systems of MLM Super-Achievers

This past week I read the amazing story of LuAn Mitchell, one of Canada’s great entrepreneurs. Her story will never be a movie because no one would believe it!

Pregnant at 16, later a beauty queen who married a man even after they found out he had a life-threatening disease, single mom, and CEO of (believe it or not) one of Canada’s largest meat packing companies, she has an astonishing story of perseverance and accomplishment.

How did she do it? And, what can we learn from people like LuAn who overcome the odds and get results most of us only dream of?

I think there are at least four basic principles that MLM distributors can keep in mind.

The basics are just that, the BASICS! Too often we get caught in the busy-ness of life and we either forget to monitor the first principles of success, or we get over-confident and think we can re-invent the basics, but there are no “new fundamentals.” The fundamentals have not changed. We either take care of business, or we struggle.  (Or we count on “luck” to save the day…never a smart plan.)

So, what are the basics? Read the rest of this entry »

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Seven Tips for Taking Charge of Your Financial Destiny

When you change your mind about something, you change your experience of it. If there is any room for growth in your finances right now or you have a desire to grow your MLM business, then it is time to “grow your mind” by expanding your thinking and expect to win. By creating a mindset for wealth, you begin a revolution in your experience of life.

Here are seven tips for taking charge of your financial destiny:

1) Take responsibility for your current situation.
Realize that you are where you are due to the sum total of your actions, as well as your non-actions. To the extent that you blame your financial situation on the economy or any other external circumstances, you give up your own power to shape things exactly the way you want. Let go of any reasons or excuses, and instead focus on the results you are committed to producing now.

2) Realize that it’s all you!
Regardless of the state of the economy there are always people who do well financially. So what separates the people who do well in any circumstances from those who do not?  Their thinking. Your financial circumstances are a reflection of your internal thought patterns, perceptions and beliefs. Some people complain that “it takes money to make money. I don’t, have any so I never will.” But successful entrepreneurs realize that money is created by good ideas.  One great idea can practically become your license to print money. Read the rest of this entry »

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How to ask for and get Everything you Want

One of the best ways to improve your odds of getting what you want from anyone is to think about your request before you actually make it.

The big reason many people fail to get what they want is that they are too afraid to ask or they view their requests as all-or-nothing position -instead of a series of negotiations and compromises.

But there is a middle ground. Here are strategies to help you begin the “asking” process and avoid becoming angry if things don’t go exactly as planned.

Tell yourself there is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Fear of punishment or rejection is why most people hesitate to ask for what they want. They are afraid that going out on an emotional limb will result in humiliation if they fail. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Power Of Conversation

If you think about it…

The secret to our Network Marketing business IS Conversation, and it is something we all have done for a long time, and many have even mastered.

Then let me ask an obvious question here:

Why do people not use more conversation as a sponsoring tool?  Good question…according to psychologists, we hold as adults around 100-150 conversations a day minimum…and these can be very strong prospecting tools if properly utilized.

Have you ever talked to someone and after they have walked away, you thought…”Shoot! I wished I would have mentioned my MLM company or MLM product…?” 

Well… nowadays, you really need to be more professional with your approach in conversations, and also in general…people today get hit up a lot by telemarketers and less than professional mlm’ers, and you need to have a much more professional and focused approach that gets their interest when their defenses are down…

That is why conversation is such a great tool…most people during a conversation are at ease and their defenses are at bay…not up… Read the rest of this entry »

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The Wrong Combination Could Be Deadly For Your MLM Business

Strategy and tactics. What’s that have to do with MLM business success?

More than you could imagine…

The proper alignment of strategy and tactics is a requirement for success in military operations. And when it comes to “big” mega-corporations most people realize you need a focus on and a balance in this power team as well.  But when it comes to MLM business success most owners fall woefully short of alignment and focus on their business strategy. Tactics are what rule the day… just about every day!

That’s why understanding how to manage this foundational balancing act could be the single most important intellectual asset you develop as an MLM business owner.

Let’s get started with two quick definitions.

Strategy: “Strategy” is your carefully and intentionally planned approach to achieving success in business ownership.  From your MLM business as a whole, to the decisions made on a day-to-day basis – your success hinges on having a solid strategy. Your overall strategy will impact and mold your minor strategies in key growth areas like systems development, marketing, sales and your client service policies. Read the rest of this entry »

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