The Newspaper is a Goldmine for your MLM Business

Are you struggling to find good MLM leads?  Did you know the newspaper is invaluable as a resource of these leads?

 Want to find MLM leads and have a tax advantage at the same time? I scour the daily newspaper for leads (our accountant deducts 100 percent of our newspaper subscription) looking for such things as new business openings, birth announcements, special events, promotions, and job fairs to name a few.

I make contact with the new business owners in person or on the phone and tell them about my products and if they have a business that suits our target market, I might share that I have what could be a good extra income stream for their business.

I contact the new moms and congratulate them on the birth of
their new baby and ask them about having a home-based business, because many new moms do not want to go back to work or, if they are staying home, need another income source.

I do job promotions with a congratulatory note and let them know their skills could be very effective in a business of their own and that the slight raise they may have gotten could never match what they could do on their own.   I give my phone number in the note and get many calls this way.  Don’t you just love when someone calls to ask You about your MLM business?

Special events are good places to meet new people because it is
simple to relate to the event itself and just strike up
conversations and potential friendships!

Job fairs are a good place to network with those seeking job
changes. I look for those who are dressed for success and ask
them how their search is going and are they open to looking at
information about nontraditional employment. If they say yes, I tell them that I have a successful home-based business; and I give them my business card to check out my web site, I also make sure I get their resume so I can do a follow-up call that is based on their objective.

All of these methods have netted me not only retail clients but
business partners. These calls are really warm, because you have some sort of information from the paper that makes it easier to present yourself and your MLM opportunity to the person.

So open a newspaper and start calling those MLM leads.

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One Response to “The Newspaper is a Goldmine for your MLM Business

  • 1
    Daegan Smith
    February 2nd, 2008 12:24

    This is a great tactic following more of the traditional approach. It follows good marketing methodology. Find the target market. Qualify and then present.

    To the top,

    “The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead”

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