Archive for the 'Rant' Category

FDA’s New Dietary Ingredient guidelines

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration finally delivered new guidance on New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs)

  • FDA will take an unexpectedly broad view of NDI notification requirments, and an extremely narrow view of grandfathered dietary ingredients
  • U.S. Capitol BuildingThis guidance could have adverse impact on up to 70% of supplement products now in the marketplace
  • This is only a guidance document with a 90-day comment window
  • Next steps for FDA beyond the comment window remain unclear
  • FDA’s reduced budget further hampers the agency’s ability to enforce stricter regulation
  • The political machine is now churning, and industry’s best advocate in this arena remains Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

After a series of articles questioning FDA’s ability to effectively monitor food safety in this country, the agency decided to bare its teeth and fight back. The NDI guidance now in the public arena continues a larger trend of FDA upping its scrutiny of supplements, and it also follows in the footsteps of aggressive regulatory posturing from EFSA, its European peer, around supplement health claims.

Sen. Orrin Hatch’s remarks:

“I encourage you all to take a very active role as the FDA moves this guidance forward. Inaction from your industry could result in federal bureaucrats dictating every last detail of how your businesses should be run. That is not what I want, and it is not what you or your consumers need.

“I am conscious that FDA has devoted significant resources to this guidance, but a policy needs to be more than manageable for the FDA. It also must enjoy the support of the industry.

“All of us share the common goal of consumer safety, and the present task is to do so as efficiently, and in as market-friendly a way, as possible. I worry that this guidance misses the mark.

Rod Cook, our Industry Watchdog has put together a simple opy and paste letter at:

PLEASE Take Action

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Where are the so-called Professional MLM Network Marketers?

Back on March 13, 2004 at 10:45am a Motion to Form the Distributor Rights Association was placed on the floor of the Clarion Hotel, Las Vegas, at a deliberative assembly open to anyone involved with the MLM Industry and unanimously passed by the audience of approx 80 Professional Network Marketers along with some Corporate Executives and MLM Attorneys that represent companies and distributors.

And on that same evening, the operational structure and Board of Directors and Officers were nominated and unanimously voted on… so that a Staff was in place to begin creating a Voice for all Independent Contractors who call themselves MLM’ers/Network Marketers! (approx 13M in US).

The attorney panel was awesome as we drafted, and voted on the standards to be published in the 1st Edition of the “Independent Contractor’s Global Standards and Education for Companies and Distributors” now published and available to any one who becomes a member or wants to buy a copy. Robert’s Rules of Order was used and adopted by this deliberative assembly to keep parliamentary order and parallel early American legislative procedure. Read the rest of this entry »

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Treat it Like a Business, because it IS

As a professional networker, I value my time more than anything else.  If there is one thing that burns me more it is people who say “yes” to the business and then don’t treat it like one.

MLM aka Network Marketing IS a Business and it requires the same dedication as if you were spending millions of dollars to start any other kind of business.  Of course, in network marketing you can get started for under $100. and so it seems some people don’t take it seriously.  That’s sad, because it is one of the greatest wealth opportunities available to anyone that could literally make you an MLM – Network Marketing fortune, like it has for me. Read the rest of this entry »

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FDA Approves Food from Clones

Ok, our Federal DRUG Administrators (FDA) are up to no good and way against public opininion…AGAIN.

Washington, DC, January 15, 2008 – Today the Food and Drug Administration announced its determination that milk and meat from cloned animals are safe for sale to the public.  In addition, the FDA is requiring no tracking system for clones or labeling of products produced from clones or their offspring.  This action comes at a time when the U.S. Senate has voted twice to delay FDA’s decision on cloned animals until additional safety and economic studies can be completed by the National Academy of Sciences and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Obviously, the FDA doesn’t feel they need to listen to our Senators.  Does your State Senator know about this? 

Center for Food Safety and dozens of other food industry, consumer, and animal welfare groups are blasting this decision as insensitive as well as irresponsible, since it flies in the face of opinion polls showing that the majority of Americans do not want milk or meat from cloned animals in their food.  A December 2006 poll by the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology found that nearly two-thirds of U.S. consumers were uncomfortable with animal cloning.  A national survey conducted this year by Consumers Union found that 89 percent of Americans want to see cloned foods labeled, while 69 percent said that they have concerns about cloned meat and dairy products in the food supply.  A recent Gallup Poll reported that more than 60 percent of Americans believe that it is immoral to clone animals, while the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology found that a similar percentage say that, despite FDA approval, they won’t buy milk from cloned animals.

I am particularly disappointed that the FDA also failed to require labeling of food from clones, effectively preventing consumers from making educated decisions about what we put into our bodies.

In response to FDA’s pending approval, US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) has introduced Senate Bill S.414, the Cloned Food Labeling Act, and U.S. House Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) introduced an identical bill, H.R. 992, in the House just a few weeks later.

Protect your consumer rights and contact your Senator and House Rep today so they know your opinion on this. 

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