What it Takes to Launch Success with your MLM / Network Marketing Team

You may not be new, but you do need tips to keep an eye on those who are!  When your building an MLM team, you need to be able to determine when someone needs help or just plain won’t make it. 

When it comes to abundance, one of the most common “set-ups” for scarcity results from lack of awareness and understanding of the process required to create or access it.

Consider the space shuttle at take-off. Have you noticed its huge fuel tanks? I once read that the space shuttle uses about 85 percent of that fuel in the first five minutes of its flight! It is being launched into space where it will orbit around the earth for five to ten days, yet it uses 85 percent of its fuel in the first five minutes! Why?

It needs the fuel to overcome inertia and get moving. Once it actually lifts off, it needs more fuel to gain speed and break through the earth’s gravitational field. Only after it has made it through gravity can it be carried by earth’s orbit for the duration of its mission.

As your MLM Team begins to “launch” toward their goals and abundance, it is important that you understand the importance of this example. Anytime someone sets a new goal, they will also need to overcome “inertia” to get moving toward that goal. Just like the space shuttle, they will need to have lots of “fuel” to do this. (By the way, if you’re wondering what this has to do with abundance, the state of inertia is rarely abundant.)

Where can they get this fuel or energy? From the upline, downline, crossline. From your MLM Company’s conference calls. Through the many personal development programs that exist and are at their fingertips on the net. From writing and reading their own vision. From the testimonial they have with their product/service. From their own enthusiasm and commitment. From family, friends, coaches, mentors. From this Blog.  From your cheerleading and guidance!

Let’s say they manage to overcome inertia and are now moving toward their goals. Remember the space shuttle: After lift-off, it still needs a lot of fuel and speed to break through gravity. This means that, once they’ve overcome inertia and are in action toward their goals, they will also experience “gravitational forces” that will try to pull them back. These gravitational forces can come from within them in the form of their scarcity thoughts, beliefs, and patterns. These gravitational forces can also come from outside of them in the form of “naysayers,” rejection, skepticism, people not being interested or not signing up, etc., or “distractions” like emergencies, schedule conflicts, having to clean their office first, getting sick… you name it.

Unfortunately, at this point in the process, far too many people confuse “gravity” with “scarcity”! You may have some on your Team or even be one of them. Once you get “launched” toward your goals and begin to encounter these gravitational forces, you/they begin to doubt yourself/themselves, think that Network Marketing isn’t for you, that you’re not good at it. You/They may give up the goal or “settle.” Because you/they confuse “gravity” with “scarcity,” you/they respond with more scarcity. You or they may take less action, more desperate action, withdraw, stop prospecting, learning, dreaming.

So what is the abundant response when you begin to encounter these gravitational forces with your MLM group? First, don’t be surprised when it happens. Once they’ve overcome inertia and are moving in the direction of their goals, you can expect gravity and other challenges to occur! It’s part of the process. So, just like the space shuttle, make sure they have the fuel they need for the flight. Use the tools you’ve learned here to help them.  Hopefully, you read my blog regularly or subscribe and keep the posts and are tracking their progress through them, so you know based on responses you get whether they are in inertia or an abundant state.  Know when to recommend they enroll in a personal development program.  Help them build a support structure. Tell them about good books they should read. Suggest they listen to tapes. You have to be disciplined and consistent with your actions, to see if they are, too! — Don’t let their gravitational forces get you off track. And whatever you do, stay focused on reaching your goal.

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