11 Factors stopping You from signing up your MLM Leads
Have you ever been certain an MLM lead was going to join your group, only to have him turn you down? Do you struggle to bring people into the business, while others in your company have much higher success rates? Have you ever wondered why some people, who are obviously “perfect” for the business, never even seriously consider it?
The answer to all these scenarios may be one or more of the 11 little-known but critical factors in play throughout your recruiting process. Each of these 11 factors has a serious effect on the ways prospects view both you and your MLM opportunity. In fact, if you didn’t cover these with your current Reps, you will see they come in play there, too!
Some of them may be addressed by your website or personal meeting, others during a telephone call (with or without your sponsor); still others may be handled in the follow-up emails they receive; but they all must be addressed someplace, or your results will suffer.
For each of these factors that you don’t deal with correctly, you will meet with a corresponding decrease in the number of qualified people you sign up. By this, I mean that you will miss signing up good people, who would do well in an MLM business if they did join. The more of the 11 factors not addressed in your system, the more good people you’re missing. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 3-way calling, believe it, incredible residual, MLM business, MLM leads, MLM opportunity, MLM organization, MLM product, Network Marketing, Network Marketing company, sponsor