The Pain and Pleasure of MLM Prospecting
Have you ever procrastinated?
Yes? Good. (I was afraid I was the only one.)
So why do you think you and I do that?
I think I know — we procrastinate because we associate more pain with the process of doing than we do pleasure from achieving the result. Maybe you put off cleaning out the garage, because you perceived a greater pleasure in watching a football game. Or perhaps you procrastinated for so long that it eventually became easier — less painful — to just take action and complete the task. For example, if it takes a half an hour every time you try to find something in the garage and your spouse is constantly on your back about getting it straightened up, the thought of not cleaning the garage is probably more painful than actually cleaning it. We mostly act on our emotions and then rationalize our actions with logic and thought.
Didn’t you fall in love with your car and then rationalize how you could stretch to pay for it? Did you do the same thing with your house? You fell in love with it and then rationalized how you would pay for it, or figured out a way to fix it up. The
controlling force in our lives is almost always pain or pleasure.
Before we take a look at how this applies to Network Marketing, here is another illustration of the point: Have you Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: downline, greatest networkers, instant gratification, massive action, MLM, MLM - Network Marketing fortune, MLM business, MLM Company, MLM opportunity, MLM profit, MLM prospect, network marketer, Network Marketing, procrastinate, real mlm hitter, Successful MLM Distributors, upline