Getting MLM Sales requires Asking the Right Questions…

…because Wrong Questions get the Wrong Answers. 

The most important aspect of making a sale — is also a major weakness of every MLM’er I’ve ever met. Asking questions.

It’s absolutely puzzling to me. Questions are so critical, you’d think it would be the topic of MLM training every week. Yet most networkers have never taken one training program in the science of asking a question.

How critical? The first personal (rapport) question sets the tone for the meeting, and the first business question sets the tone for the sale. That’s critical.

Benefits of asking the right question? Good question.

Here are 10 benefits to make MLM sales by:

  1. Qualify the buyer.
  2. Establish rapport.
  3. Create prospect disparity.
  4. Eliminate or differentiate from the competition.
  5. Build credibility.
  6. Know the customer and her business.
  7. Identify needs.
  8. Find hot buttons.
  9. Get personal information.
  10. Close the sale.

All these answers come from asking the right questions.  I call them Power Questions.

Here’s the rub:
Do you have 25 of them — the most powerful questions you can create — at your fingertips? No? Join the crowd. 95% of all
MLMers / networkers don’t. That could be why only 5% of us rise to the top. Just a theory (or is it?)

Here’s the challenge:
Get every MLM prospect and MLM customer to say “No one ever asked me that before.”

Here are 7 questioning strategies:

1. Ask the prospect questions that make him evaluate new
2. Ask questions that qualify needs.
3. Ask questions about improved productivity, profits or
4. Ask questions about personal goals.
5. Ask questions that separate you from your competition — not compare you to them.
6. Ask questions that make the customer or prospect think before giving a response.
7. Ask Power Questions to create a BUYING atmosphere — not a selling one. 

One very critical success strategy: To enhance your listening
skills, write down answers. It proves you care, preserves your
data for follow-up, keeps the record straight, and makes the
person feel important.

How do you formulate a power question?

There’s a secret to creating and asking the right type of Power
Question. Ask a question that makes the prospect think about me and my business, and respond in terms of them and their life.

Sounds complicated — but it isn’t.

Here are some bad examples:
o What type of life insurance do you have?
o Do you have a pager?
o Who do you currently use for long distance service?

All stink.

Here are some good examples:
o If your husband died, how would the house payments be made? How would the children go to college?
o If your most important customer called right now, how would you get the message?
o If your long distance charges were 30% higher than they should be, how would you know?

All make the buyer think and respond in terms of his own
interests, and answer in terms of the seller. WOW!

It’s not just asking questions, it’s asking the right questions.
A sale is made or lost based on the questions you ask. If you
aren’t making all the sales you want — start by evaluating the
specific wording of the questions you’re asking. Your answers are in your questions.

Questions unlock sales. Um, any questions?

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2 Responses to “Getting MLM Sales requires Asking the Right Questions…

  • 1
    work for home
    February 3rd, 2008 22:13

    Hello!!!!i got 7 steps regarding MLM prospect. Often times sponsors fail with their MLM training because they are more concerned with getting their prospects out there right away before supplying them with the necessities. If you want to have a successful MLM sponsoring experience.Thanks!!!!

  • 2
    March 27th, 2008 21:55

    Great content and perspective. A great paradigm for me was when I realized that sponsoring people and recruiting people into the MLM business were two totally different things. Sponsoring requires training and recruiting was just signing people up…. as a sales person of 30 years experience… I navigated towards the recruiting side immediatley… and had to learn to focus on the value of the sponsoring/teaching side… which is the foundation of a long-term successful organization.

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