Convert Interested MLM Prospects into Paying MLM Customers

Getting lots of inquiries from potential customers is great. It means that you are well known in your chosen market. But all this popularity won’t do you much good if it doesn’t generate sales. 

The most common complaint I hear from MLM Distributors is that their MLM prospects just won’t part with their money. Potential customers are accused of being slow to make decisions, reluctant to change their thinking or just behind the times. 

While this can be frustrating, it is a big mistake to blame the prospective MLM customer for not taking action. Look closer to home for the real reason why your conversion rate is disappointingly low. The reality is that you actually have a lot of control over this issue. But you have to be proactive.

The general rule is :  Read the rest of this entry »

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Getting MLM Sales requires Asking the Right Questions…

…because Wrong Questions get the Wrong Answers. 

The most important aspect of making a sale — is also a major weakness of every MLM’er I’ve ever met. Asking questions.

It’s absolutely puzzling to me. Questions are so critical, you’d think it would be the topic of MLM training every week. Yet most networkers have never taken one training program in the science of asking a question.

How critical? The first personal (rapport) question sets the tone for the meeting, and the first business question sets the tone for the sale. That’s critical.

Benefits of asking the right question? Good question.

Here are 10 benefits to make MLM sales by:

  1. Qualify the buyer.
  2. Establish rapport.
  3. Create prospect disparity.
  4. Eliminate or differentiate from the competition.
  5. Build credibility.
  6. Know the customer and her business.
  7. Identify needs.
  8. Find hot buttons.
  9. Get personal information.
  10. Close the sale.

All these answers come from asking the right questions.  I call them Power Questions. Read the rest of this entry »

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