Turning No’s into Business

You’ve obviously found that everyone you speak to isn’t going to say Yes, but did you know that MOST people won’t say NO twice to you?  Especially if it’s someone you know, like and trust!  So when you realize that, you can work it to your benefit.

When someone tells you “No thanks”, Thank them for being open and honest about it and then ask; “Would you be one of my Ambassadors? 

We all have Great respect for Ambassadors…their out there creating Goodwill for each others countries.  So could you be one of my Ambassadors?  All you have to do is refer people to me when you run across (use STEAM) anyone that you know enjoys Sales, loves to Teach, is Enthusiastic, has a good Attitude, or is looking to make extra Money.  Would you be willing to do that for me?

When you have Ambassador’s spreading the Goodwill about your program, you have a Great source of referrals.  Stay in touch with your Ambassadors!  Give them cards to pass out, look for ways you can also BEcome their ambassador because one good referral to them and they’ll be hooked to get one back to you!  I have all my ambassadors on an email list so that I can send them regular updates on what I’m doing or what my MLM Company does.  And I always let my Ambassadors know what happens with any referral they send me…I might have a partner, a customer, or another Ambassador! 

The beauty about networking is that “people” are the capital in our MLM business and whether you bring someone into your business or not, you can always *capitalize* on meeting people and enlarge your network of contacts!  Because “Networking” is the real “Name of the Game”!

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One Response to “Turning No’s into Business

  • 1
    Carbon Copy Pro
    April 16th, 2008 06:01

    That’s a fantastic article. It shows how we can turn negative responses into positive ones.. well done.

    In every failure is the seed of an even greater success. – Napoleon Hill

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