Playing Monopoly for Real

Do you remember playing Monopoly the board game? With its little green houses and red hotels.   (Unless you have the Collectors edition in which case the houses are silver and the hotels are gold).

Do you remember collecting rent from people who landed on your property… Do not pass go… Get out of jail cards… Community Chest cards and all that?

It came to me in a flash today, that building a financial empire on the web is a lot like that.  This can really supercharge your MLM business online from both the opportunity and the products or services you provide.

In Monopoly, you start the game with just a little bit of money (just like MLM network marketing industry).  You land on properties and decide to buy them, if you can afford them. Eventually you add houses to your properties and then hotels.

Most people start online with little money and buy a property. It’s called “getting a domain name and hosting”.
Eventually they start to develop the property by adding web pages, or “houses” to the property. Read the rest of this entry »

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Network Marketing: Find your MLM Niche Market

The English word “niche” comes from a French word that means, “to nest.” And that’s what Network Marketing Distributors can learn to do very successfully, filling small voids left by the big players. 

A niche market is a focused, targetable portion of a market.  By definition, then, an MLM business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers. You can think of a niche market as a narrowly defined group of potential customers. Each niche, by definition, has its own special place in the market.

It has to start with you analyzing the MLM Company you joined.  Many people join Nutritional Companies or Telecommunications companies…and whichever you joined…you had a reason.  Read the rest of this entry »

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