If You Don’t Attempt The Shot, You Can’t Score in MLM Network Marketing

It is a well-documented fact that the players who hold the record for the highest goals, hits, or baskets also miss more than other players.

Some even hold the record for both!

Why? Well, they know that the only way they are going to ‘score’ is by attempting to in the first place. They know that they WILL score on a certain percentage of their efforts – so they shoot as much as they can.

Remember…missing only means that you are one step closer to scoring.

Network Marketers can be challenged to “start the conversation” or “make the presentation” and usually it’s from lack of experience.   That’s OK, get over it, because we all started from the same place and that’s the Good News.  So what is a networker to do so they can begin “scoring”?

  • You can have your upline work with you on the skills needed and get you ready.
  • You can work with someone that is sideline who you feel is a proficient distributor and ask for their help.
  • You can read books, blogs, articles, etc to get a feel for what fits your style.
  •  You can practice on family or friends.
  • You can even practice on strangers.

 If you don’t even try in the first place then you may as well not even be in the game.

The more you try…the more you fail…and the more you WILL “score”.

Action Point:

Are you letting your fear of trying hold you back from “scoring”?

The fear of failure is perhaps one the most scariest things in our lives. But…it is what it says—>…it’s the fear of failing…and not failing itself… that usually causes the most trouble!

Everybody is scared of getting up to speak…or to do things that could embarrass them.

It’s not what you do…but how you manage the fear of doing it that will help or hinder your chances of making more of yourself.

So how can I help you make the most for yourself?

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