Is your MLM Focus on what you WANT or don’t want?

“I’m always going to be in debt”
“Of course, I’ll never be really skinny”
“I could never afford it”

Ever said any of these to yourself? We all have.

If I gave you $50, and you lost $20 – you would be very disappointed wouldn’t you? Yet you are still $30 better off than before I gave it to you.

We all spend too much time focusing on what we haven’t got…or what we have lost, rather than focusing on what we want…and how we can go about getting it.

You could afford a new car…if you stopped wasting money in other ways.

You could lose weight…if you really believed that you CAN be slim.

You see…it’s not what you haven’t got that stops you from getting to where you want to go…it’s your focus on what you already have that you don’t want that holds you back.

That’s quite a complicated sentence…so re-read it again just to make sure that you *get it*.

Action Point:

Are you currently focusing your thoughts on the wrong things?

In order for you to be truly successful…you need to make some sacrifices.

Now…I’m not talking about going hungry, or working away from home…I’m talking about sacrificing the very things that are holding you back.

You need to stop constantly focusing on why you can’t do something…and instead actually go out and prove that you can do it!

The Universal law is “What is Focused on Expands”!

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3 Responses to “Is your MLM Focus on what you WANT or don’t want?

  • 1
    December 1st, 2008 17:04

    I think people complain because sadly others seem to resent the happy guy or gal in the group or workplace. Maybe we should start a movement ” It’s ok to be happy and successful”

  • 2
    Cheryl Gonzalez
    December 2nd, 2008 20:24

    Great Idea Lee!

  • 3
    August 23rd, 2010 20:36

    I think Abraham-Hicks articulates this point really well when talking about the Law of Attraction. Most of the time people are focused on what they don’t have rather than giving energy to what they want.

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