Network Marketing: Got a Busy Life?

Question:   What do you and every one of the greatest Networkers in our MLM industry have in common?

Answer.   A 24-hour day!

Yes, the 24-hour day is a great common denominator. All of us who desire success in Network Marketing are using 24 hours of our day already. We may say to ourselves, “As soon as things slow down a bit, I’ll be able to work my Networking business.” The problem is things never slow down!

Many of us act as if our activities will somehow make room for us to work our business. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen like that.  You have to make it happen. To get something different, you need to do something different.

I ask each of the Distributors on my Network Marketing Team what hours they would commit to working their business. Do you have that on your own Sponsor Checklist for your Team? Have you checked with your personally sponsored to be sure they have it on their personally sponsored? Do you know if they have stayed true to their commitment? Want to check? Call them during the hours they gave you (or their actual sponsor) and see what their doing! We have to *Inspect what we Expect* and I hope you have been doing this all along,?  Yes?… No?…Your Lifetime? 

MLM Accountability is an important aspect when we deal with people whether they work with us Full-time or Part-Time and getting results depends on it! So what can you do to assure they give the time they commit to? Here’s a productive activity.

Call them (and you might want to schedule this by email first). First, ask them if they have kept to the schedule you have on your sponsor checklist.  Don’t have this on your checklist…keep reading…If not, it won’t happen in their Lifetime! So why not stop right now, and let’s make a schedule sheet together. Take out a sheet of ruled notebook paper or yellow pad. Divide the sheet into eight columns (including the preprinted red line on the left). At the top of the first column, write “Time.” At the top of each of the rest of the columns write Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, so that each column represents a day of the week. Next, down the “Time” column on each line write the hours from when you wake up, all the way down the page until when you go to sleep.Using pencil, put in all the unmovable events in their life such as work, meals, religious services, morning devotional or self-development time, and other fixed commitments. Next, schedule at least one to 15 hours per week when they will work their business. They might block out Tuesday and Thursday from 5-9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Remember, we offer a part-time opportunity for an Incredible Residual in 2-4 years!

Explain that these are *me* times that you will be contacting your new prospects and following up with old contacts, not the times you do busy work like cleaning your desk or files.

Now, have them fill in things they would like to get done but are more flexible with scheduling:

exercise times, bookkeeping, home needs, etc. (Do not insert TV programs. Rather than watch TV, I recommend unplugging it, sticking it in the closet and working your Network Marketing business instead. The TV is an income reducer! You have trouble if they discuss TV with you in this exercise!)

Now for the vital and challenging part — follow your schedule as though the times blocked out represent a part-time job that you are working for an outside employer. Stick with your schedule! You can always modify it where needed. If you create a plan, believe in your plan, and work your plan, you will succeed.

Having a regular schedule will empower you and your distributors recruiting greatly.Instead of saying to your prospect, “Let’s get together sometime after you look at the material,” ask him or her for an appointment within 72 hours. Since you have regular work hours, you can now schedule follow-up appointments with your prospects. Instead of feeling guilty that you “never have the time” to follow up with prospects, you will be greatly energized by having a system that allows you to fulfill your responsibilities to your prospects.This will also help them separate the serious business opportunity seekers from those who are merely curious. You will soon learn to discern those who have legitimate reasons for not being able to get back to you within a reasonable time from those who have a very busy schedule watching TV! By taking a professional approach toward yourself and your prospects, you will be communicating to them that your time is valuable, limited, and that you will only use it with prospects who are serious about finding a business opportunity.

Remind them, their current schedule will not make room for their Networking business on its own. Commit your time and run your business!

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