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2 Responses to “Why Your MLM Business Isn’t a Booming Success

  • 1
    February 13th, 2008 07:06

    I love the last part, self-induced limitation, I guess I finally found my situation, I am somewhat afraid of rejection, somehow I am holding back. But how do you suggest I address it? Aside from the above.

    By the way I would like to share to you a great resource for business people, the Young Entrepreneur Society from the http://www.YoungEntrepreneurSociety.com.

  • 2
    February 13th, 2008 09:48

    Rejection is a part of life Eddie. How many times have you asked someone on a date and they said NO? Or just to dance? How did you react, what did you feel?

    What you may need to realize is a no doesn’t mean stop…it simply means not yet.

    What you have to realize is all the great people you are missing out on meeting and building rapport with because of this rejection issue.

    I also think your fear may be holding you back because you don’t feel prepared. Have you discussed this with your sponsor? I would ask them to let you listen to their calls or whatever part is holding you back so that you experience the situation as an observer.

    I’ll continue to think on this and post some other useful articles. If you want to expand on what is really holding you back, I could probably address it dead-on.

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