Do you know the 18 Reasons to use 3-way calling?

When is the last time you did a 3-way call to help build credibility with your MLM prospect?  Are you comfortable asking others for their 3-way time and support?

3 way calls can be very important to show the MLM team concept we have and is usually done after you’ve had a chance to determine you have a real MLM prospect. 

My philosophy is that a 3-way call should be a support call.  That means helping to get the MLM prospects questions answered and to train you in the process.

So here are 18 reasons to consider 3-way calling to help you in your Success:

  1. Introduce prospects to someone in their field of interest.
  2. Encourage a prospect to go to the next step in the information process.
  3. Have the upline handle an objection or question.
  4. Train a new member of the Team on phone techniques.
  5. Get people excited.
  6. Get an invaluable third-party validation.
  7. Help a downline member get a message they may have been ignoring.
  8. Share a testimonial first-hand about the MLM product/service or MLM business.
  9. Demonstrate the Support available in our Business.
  10. Facilitate the decision-making process ( for either you or the prospect).
  11. Follow-up on a website visit.
  12. Reinforce a commitment you may have made.
  13. Offer encouragement and support.
  14. Set up accountability to the Team.
  15. Mastermind and share ideas about what works.
  16. Edify New Reps.
  17. Coordinate area events between several groups.
  18. Accomplish more with less effort (leverage!).

So are you being effective in utilizing 3-way calls?  You do have 3-way calling on your phone don’t you? 

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