How To Get Network Marketing Success In a Flash

A flash success in Network Marketing is rare. And when flash success occurs, there usually is a reason.

Many times you’ll hear a speaker at an MLM training or MLM opportunity meeting say, “I just joined, talked to a few people, and by golly, in only one month I reached the top level of achievement and they need a truck to deliver my giant-sized bonus check.”

Well, what the speaker said may be true. She did reach the top and it was fast. Unfortunately, because of time constraints on the meeting, the speaker didn’t get to tell her whole story. So before you buy into any story, be sure you get the Full Facts behind it.

You see, the reason the speaker (s) sponsored such a big downline in her organization in only 30 days was:

1. She had 20 years experience in Network Marketing. She had lots of contacts, relationships and friends who knew her, trusted her, and respected her. Since they were also experienced Network Marketers, they were able to sponsor many distributors quickly as well. The speaker had 20 years of preparation for this so-called “flash success.”

2. The speaker went door-to-door in her city and everyone she talked to joined her program. Too bad there wasn’t enough time during the meeting to mention that her father was mayor of the town, owned all the houses, and that the tenants felt obligated to do whatever his daughter suggested.

3. The speaker worked as an assistant teacher for 40 years in the community. She also taught junior high sports. Everyone in town knows her, trusts her, and respects her. in fact, she taught most of the town’s residents. How could you say “No’ to the person who used to make you clean the erasers?

Instant, flash success?

I don’t think so.

You have to earn your success in Network Marketing. That’s why some people grow faster than others.

So, if you don’t have any friends, people hate you, no one respects you, well, you’ll just have to start building some new relationships to get your business started. Once you’ve built the relationships, your business will grow.

Networking is done successfully with people who trust you. If you don’t have anyone to network with, go out and build some trust.

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