The MLM Winners Mindset

You are your most important critic. There is no opinion so vitally important to your well being as the opinion you have of yourself.

As you read this you’re talking to yourself right now. “Let’s see if I understand what is meant by that… How does that compare with my experiences? – I’ll make note of that – try that tomorrow – I already knew that… I already do that.”

I believe this self-talk, this psycholinguistics or language of the mind can be controlled to work for us, especially in the building of self-confidence and creativity. We’re all talking to ourselves every moment of our lives, except during certain portions of our sleeping cycle. We’re seldom even aware that we’re doing it. We all have a running commentary in our heads on events and our reactions to them. Read the rest of this entry »

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Network Marketing: Create that Winning Feeling

I believe we could all agree that having a winning feeling is a
prerequisite to achieving outstanding results. A person can’t
possibly expect to win if they’re constantly focusing on failure!
The real secret here is to capture that winning feeling of success as often as you can to create the environment necessary to succeed.

If you’ve been a little down in the dumps, feeling insecure or
perhaps not feeling as confident in your ability as you’d like, I
have a great tip for you. My suggestion to anyone looking for a
success track to run on, or to a person who is looking to get
back on one, is to start capitalizing on short-term victories.
That means specifically focus on tasks you can achieve daily. The principle is to start with an adversity over which you can succeed, and gradually take on more and more difficult tasks.
Nothing succeeds like success. Read the rest of this entry »

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