Are you a Good Boss for yourself?

Over this 3 day holiday, I got together with some of my MLM leaders and we discussed what makes one person oustanding in the business, while another might flounder.  It got down to a discussion of habits.

To be a success in your MLM business; it is essential to take a closer look at your habits.  Some people will enroll and they have habits that are conducive to getting them off to a quick start and keeping themselves on the right track.  Others come laden with habits that are detrimental to establishing or sustaining any serious momentum.

Your ultimate results are affected by what you bring to the table, as that is going to have a major impact on the results you achieve.  To change the results you are experiencing, you begin by taking a closer look at your habits.  Obviously, you’re an MLM distributor, so you are on the right track already!

You may want to make a list of all the positive attributes and habits and personal qualities you bring to the table now.  You HAVE accomplishments in life and you need to acknowledge those!

Now, here’s the tough question…what negative attributes, habits and personal qualities are in your life?  What is stopping you (doing or thinking) that may be keeping you from creating the incredible residual, wealth and happiness you have decided to pursue with your MLM business?

Think about what that might be costing you.  What price are you paying?

Making changes is never easy, but positive changes are “always” worth the time and effort required to make them.  You are either going to pay the price for not changing or you will gain the rewards for developing new disciplines, new habits, new ways of thinking, and new ways of conducting your life. 

The choice is yours.

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