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2 Responses to “Getting MLM Sales requires Asking the Right Questions…

  • 1
    work for home
    February 3rd, 2008 22:13

    Hello!!!!i got 7 steps regarding MLM prospect. Often times sponsors fail with their MLM training because they are more concerned with getting their prospects out there right away before supplying them with the necessities. If you want to have a successful MLM sponsoring experience.Thanks!!!!

  • 2
    March 27th, 2008 21:55

    Great content and perspective. A great paradigm for me was when I realized that sponsoring people and recruiting people into the MLM business were two totally different things. Sponsoring requires training and recruiting was just signing people up…. as a sales person of 30 years experience… I navigated towards the recruiting side immediatley… and had to learn to focus on the value of the sponsoring/teaching side… which is the foundation of a long-term successful organization.

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