Give Value, do More Than is Expected in your MLM Presentations


One thing most of us have in common is that we love to get a little bit more than we paid for. This idea, is called “Give Value”, and involves two elements: first is to know and/or establish what is expected and then, to deliver above and beyond those expectations.


At a minimum, you want people to be satisfied with your MLM presentation, sales pitch, speech, meeting or MLM training session while achieving your objectives this is equivalent to “getting your money’s worth”. Beyond the basics, you want to be respected and remembered as someone who perhaps did just a bit more than required to get the job done (it’s how we build great reputations).


Here are Seven Secrets on how to Give Value:

1. Understand Expectations: Participants’ wants, needs, and desires are a major element in the customer satisfaction equation. Be keenly aware that expectations are very different for different people and groups, and are constantly increasing in today’s world. “Better than Last Time” may not always be high achievement next time.

2. Establish Expectations early on with your MLM prospect or audience. 

  • Define objectives and desired outcomes clearly; be conservative — Under promise, over deliver.
  • Establish the scope, and what the session will and won’t do.
  • Define your role (facilitator, expert, entertainer, trainer, executive manager, etc.) including its limits.

3. Emotions Count: Let’s face it, most people today expect dry, dull presentations. Personal touches, Enthusiasm and Fun really do add value.

  • Learn and use names — done properly it makes a big difference.
  • If you are and act enthusiastic, it will rub off on the person you’re talking to and their satisfaction level will go up. Fun, in terms of well-placed humor or Business Entertainment, breaks up the tedium of hard work and will raise your score.

4. Hold a little back: Always have several aces in the hole for use as needed. These can be little things: anecdotes, stories, data, testimonials, jokes, props, or electronic support materials or other items that might provide just enough extra to make a point or achieve an objective. You prepare these ahead of time, but keep them in your pocket for use when you need to raise a peak or find yourself losing their attention.

5. Recap Accomplishments: Before you close, go back and review the expectations from the discussion and tie them to your accomplishments.

6. Evaluate your session: People love to be asked what they thought of the session, and your “mental grade” goes down if you don’t. This can be as simple as asking for a recap of their understanding or what they will take away from the meeting you had.

7. Follow-up: Simple things, like getting an email to them timely, sending related materials after the session or making a call to offer assistance on some aspect of the work, can enforce your reputation as a person who truly Gives Value.


a. A focus on “exceeding expectations” has the side benefit of improving your understanding of the basic requirements in your discussions, and your batting average on achieving objectives will increase.

b. A large payoff for Giving Value is respect and credibility. Give Value on a consistent basis and your reputation moves up.

c. You’ll be welcomed back when you phone or meet again in a much better light and get personal endorsements and referrals.

Action Plan:

  1. Spend extra time in planning for your next talk with either an MLM prospect or downline member to clearly establish the wants, needs and desires they may have.  Do your home work, make a few calls or send a few emails to get into their heads so you really understand their mindset, and of course their expectations.
  2. Check your objectives, desired outcomes and process against these expectations. Adjust your plan accordingly. 
  3. Evaluate your next session to see how you performed, and roll these lessons learned into ways to Give More Value in the future.

Giving Value and Exceeding expectations is the way to establish success in network marketing and become a successful networker.

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