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2 Responses to “Most Common Mistakes of a Newbie MLM Networker

  • 1
    January 21st, 2008 11:34

    Great post! In the 13 years I’ve been online I’ve seen many a new MLMer’s zeal to get business break established protocols and rules that end up causing more harm than good.

    I am encouraged when folks type about this very important topic that all too many disregard. There are a couple more considerations when it comes to Business E-mail Etiquette.

    I have a site full of free E-mail Etiquette services, articles, a Blog and even a Netiquette Quiz.

    Why not stop by NetManners.com and check out my article Business E-mail Etiquette Basics?

    Take care ~
    Judith | NetManners.com

  • 2
    January 21st, 2008 18:43

    Thanks Judith. Obviously, MLM’ers aren’t the only one’s breaking established protocols and rules as I’m sure everyone is drowning in spam these days.

    I’m also surprised how few mention email netiquette because the first impression is always a lasting impression.

    Your site looks like a great resource for those who truly want to “keep it professional” and it’s laid out so you can find things quick. Great Job!

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