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2 Responses to “Network Marketing: Believe It

  • 1
    Chuck Bartok
    January 18th, 2008 12:33

    Since you are an avid Napoleon Hill Fan, I know you will enjoy
    listening to past episodes of our Live Talk Show, The Focus Society of Overachievers

    We also have gone in depth with the master Key,
    by Charles Haanel, the FATHER of the Law of Attraction and
    Mentor to Napoleon Hill.

    Download and JOIN us Live

  • 2
    January 20th, 2008 19:00

    Thanks Chuck…what a great resource. I actually own the 4 video volumes: “Master Key to Success” by Napoleon Hill and it also featured W. Clement Stone (who was Dr. Hill’s general manager and close personal friend. He also went on to his own great success).

    Most people don’t know Dr. Hill also wrote “The Science of Personal Achievement”, “Grow Rich with Peace of Mind”, “The Master-Key to Riches”, “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude” “Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion” and “You can work your own miracles”.

    I’m surprised I’ve never heard of Charles Haanel as Dr. Hill’s mentor…I always believed it was Carnegie as that is all he has ever indicated.

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