Three Reasons We Don’t Reach Our MLM Goals and Dreams

So many books, tape programs, and articles expound the goal philosophy. We all work toward our goals, but sometimes, maybe many times, we fall short.

Why? What went wrong? Did we? Or is this all a sham? We know some people make it. Some people reach their goals. We read about them all the time. Why not me?

Goals and goal-predicting are critical to success in your
MLM Network Marketing Business opportunity, and one must focus on the intended result. We have written down our goals in crystal clear terminology. We have made those little cut-out pictures and put them on the walls for constant moral and visual support. Haven’t we all chanted our goals robustly, with confidence, unwavering and vibrato? Probably that and then some.

What is missing, though, when we fall short? Can we discover the key principles that move us forward, or are we destined to drudge in the quagmire of disbelief?

Here are basic principles that I have learned, discovered, uncovered, and revealed to myself since I got started in Network Marketing. See if they don’t fit in some way for you: Read the rest of this entry »

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Network Marketing: Narrow in on Your MLM Niche Market

Ok, since a niche is a position of opportunity…think of your specialty, or an area you specialize in.

Hopefully, this connects to your MLM Business in some way…it should!

To determine if a particular MLM niche is right for you, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I have an identifiable target population with similar interests and needs?
  2. Is the market large enough to support my MLM business?
  3. Can I tailor my products, services, and MLM business identity to address that market’s particular needs?
  4. Is my target market currently underserved?
  5. Can I reach my potential customers in a cost-effective manner?

Niche marketing focuses on a specific segment of consumers. 

An MLM niche can be defined by a consumer’s age, gender, ethnic background, occupation, hobbies, and other interests. 

Even problems can be a defining characteristic.

An MLM niche can also be created by a need, a want, or a preference. Read the rest of this entry »

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