MLM: Need some VoiceMail Magic?

As you create your DMO, phoning people may be part of it and one thing I learned is you can’t bury your head in the sand when it comes to dealing with voice mail in cold market prospecting. So if you are buying MLM leads you have probably already found that you average 50 percent live contacts and 50 percent voice mail messages during any one week of prospecting calls. More importantly, you want to get seven out of ten prospects to return your call within 24 hours.

How is this possible in the cold market?

With what I like to call “voice mail magic.”

There are two critical elements to developing a voice mail message that prospects can’t resist. The first element is the “words you use”. The worst mistake you can make is to “wing it” when you leave a message for someone in the cold market. Always remember that the cold market doesn’t know you, doesn’t care about you, and if you don’t get their attention in the first ten seconds, it’s over. They will erase your message and go on to the next 25 messages they have waiting for them.

Here are the exact words I use to get a 70 percent call back return:

“Hi, Vic. This is Cheryl Gonzalez calling. I have a business matter I need to discuss with you as soon as possible. You can contact me at (210) 555-1212. That’s (210) 555-1212. I take my return calls between 3-5pm Central Time.”

Don’t waste your time playing with the words. Anyone I’ve ever shared this with who is using this exact script has “always” had tremendous success.  It works because it’s clear, concise, powerful, and vague at the same time.

But the words account for only a fraction of the result. The real power is in the delivery. Before you leave the message, create this scenario in your mind:  I’m seriously considering suing this person, and I’m going to give him/her one more chance to apologize and make things right.

This scenario puts an edge in your voice that immediately grabs the prospect’s attention. The MLM prospect doesn’t know exactly what you want but feels compelled to call you back.

At 3:00 (or whatever time you requested) in the afternoon, you sit by your phone and prepare for the onslaught of call-backs.  Then you simply ask your qualifying questions to determine if you want to go to the next step with them. It’s that simple! It’s voice mail magic!

Some people reading this may feel I am resorting to a gimmick with this system, so I’d like to close this post by addressing this concern.

Understand that the cold market is wild and untamed. I’ve always referred to it as “The Jungle.” In order to become a “Tiger” and conquer the cold market jungle, you must understand how the cold prospect thinks.

In this case, he or she assumes you are either a telemarketer or a salesperson, and if that is the prospect’s final conclusion after listening to your voice mail, you will simply not get the call back. The truth is, you are not a telemarketer nor a salesperson. You are a million-dollar business leader looking for million-dollar partners. I don’t care if your last check was two dollars and fifty cents, you should have a million-dollar mentality and look to sponsor others who have this same rare quality.

When you leave this message, you must sound like the strong, powerful, successful MLM leader that lives inside of you. If you do, you will get a high percentage of callbacks in the cold market. If you don’t, the cold market will hand you your head. It’s that simple.

Decide today that you will work smarter and get tougher when it comes to voice mail. Remember: In the jungle, the Tiger starves last.

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