MLM: Game Plan for Your Success

We’ve all heard it…”Fail to plan, and you’re planning to fail.”  Pretty sound and basic advice for anyone who is in an MLM business (or intending to be). 

Oh, I can hear it now…”I already KNOW what I need to do.”  Or, “I’ve got it all RIGHT here in my head” or “I’m too small to do all that work!”  That frame of mind is exactly why 95% of the people who become involved in our Network Marketing industry are failing.  If we want success, guess what?  It IS a lot of work.   And the work begins with you developing a Game Plan for Your Success.

Some people will send MORE time planning their vacations this year than they will spend designing their MLM business.  Heck…a lot of people will spend more time planning what to have for *dinner* than they will on planning their MLM business!  There are a lot of things about Network Marketing that make it different than the more traditional forms of doing business…but having a Game Plan is not one of them!

Microsoft has one.   Starbucks Coffee has one, and you can BET that the Most Successful distributors have one!  The most financially successful distributors in Network Marketing do not fly by the seat of their pants. 

Your Game Plan for Success doesn’t need to be a 10-ton book…it can be pretty simple…but it DOES need to be serious.  And it does need to be done.  And it does need to be done now.  To get started, here are a couple of pointers:

– Ask yourself what your target market is?
If you have a nutritional product, your market will be quite different from a telecommunications product.

– Describe your customers.
Are they stay-at-home parents or owners of electronic gadget stores?

– How big is the market?

– Who are your competitors?
Get their sales materials and compensation plan information. Do a comparison. (A PERSONAL NOTE: I recommend that you never, never, NEVER, under ANY circumstances “trash” your competition in order to build your business).

– Do some financial projections for yourself.  What can you realistically expect your gross expenses  and profits to be in the first month, quarter and year?

Expenses should include such things as marketing sales tools (brochures, tapes, business cards), long distance and local telephone charges, the company’s monthly minimum product/service requirement, advertising costs, postage, office supplies, internet expenses, gasoline and (if you host in-home or in-office meetings…the cost of all that coffee and those cookies).

Here is an internet website  to visit that will help you get started today in designing a successful Network Marketing business.   It has some terrific information. It is an SBA page and has an outline of a business plan, questions and answers…and even downloadable shareware to create business plans!  They even have a “Business Plan Workshop”, and you’ll find it to be a tremendous help in planning and building your MLM business. 

You will need to start thinking about setting sales projections and how many customers it will take.  You also have to think about setting recruiting goals and deadlines as it will help you determine what it takes to achieve the MLM income goals you have.

Remember, You can’t HIT a target if you don’t even HAVE one.

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