Network Marketing: Brand YOU

I’ve always admired Tom Peters, the author or co-author of ten international bestsellers, including “In Search of Excellence”, which he wrote with Bob Waterman in 1982.  He is a self-described “prince of disorder, champion of bold failures, maestro of zest, and corporate cheerleader.  But boy doesn’t he rile them up  :-)

Before John Maxwell came out with his Leadership books, Tom Peters had already written “A Passion for Excellence, The Leadership Difference” and that made a major impact on me.  (That was in 1985).

Then he had the “Pursuit of Wow”…”Circle of Innovation”…and the one I want to especially mention today…”The Brand YOU”.

Brand You is as personal as it gets.  Brand You = Who You Are.  Perhaps then, you’ll be surprised at how often we say, “Get together with a number of colleagues to consider…”

Well, Brand You is personal…but it is also a Team Sport. The team, this time, is probably not your formal work group. Instead it’s a Collection of Kindred Spirits… Brand You Wannabes.

Brand You… Routinely asks the Question:


Brand You… Pursues Mastery of something! Has something important to say! (and knows how to say it)

Brand You… Does work that matters 100% of the time!

Brand You… Does Work worth paying for!


Brand You… Pays close attention to Personal Packaging (aka Design)

Brand You… Grooves on “Selling” and has a Compelling Sales Proposition!

Brand You… Selects Clients v-e-r-y carefully / Rejects clients who are a bad match

Brand You… Is a Rolodex Maniac / Networks like Crazy!

Brand You… Develops and then zealously guards a Reputation for Trustworthyness and Integrity

Brand You…Is a “Renewal Fanatic” / Cultivates curiosity / Takes every opportunity to learn s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g new!

Hmmmm…do you think that Mr. Peters was referring to Network Marketers?  I know he writes for “Corporate America” but geez…he is really speaking MY kind of language!

On the Internet, MLM Distributors need to brand themselves.  Face it, it’s an impersonal world on the internet so you need to step out to let people see who you are. We are fun, cool, loving people…so get out there and show it!

When you think of the brand called “YOU” it means your chosen niche, your email address, your domain, your tagline, it is literally everything you do to create a memorable You.  And that will build a large MLM business online for you.

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