Network Marketing: Narrow in on Your MLM Niche Market

Ok, since a niche is a position of opportunity…think of your specialty, or an area you specialize in.

Hopefully, this connects to your MLM Business in some way…it should!

To determine if a particular MLM niche is right for you, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do I have an identifiable target population with similar interests and needs?
  2. Is the market large enough to support my MLM business?
  3. Can I tailor my products, services, and MLM business identity to address that market’s particular needs?
  4. Is my target market currently underserved?
  5. Can I reach my potential customers in a cost-effective manner?

Niche marketing focuses on a specific segment of consumers. 

An MLM niche can be defined by a consumer’s age, gender, ethnic background, occupation, hobbies, and other interests. 

Even problems can be a defining characteristic.

An MLM niche can also be created by a need, a want, or a preference.

Some niches are defined more broadly than others.

Teenagers and home-based entrepreneurs are two examples of broadly-defined niches.   Teenagers with cell phones or home-based entrepreneurs who help diabetics are narrowly-defined niches.   Can you see that?

When marketing to a relatively broad niche even by a single characteristic, you still specify both who is, and who is not, included in your market.

  • What are you good at?
  • What do you enjoy?
  • On what subject are you considered the “local world’s authority.”
  • What are you strong in?
  • What do you have to offer that is fairly unique?
  • How can you leverage your present strengths?

Instead of fantasizing about being “perfect”, take what you know and let it empower your vision to see clearly the niches out there.

4 Questions to ask yourself to get to your MLM niche:

  1. * Who are you?
  2. * What are you doing?
  3. * Who are you helping?
  4. * How are you different?

I hear way too many network marketers say…”I’m going to join a telecomm because *everyone* has a phone”  OR  “I’m going to get involved with a nutrition company…it’s the Next Trillion Dollar Market”.

When I hear these things, I see a lack of experience in marketing because you should never join an MLM Network Marketing Business opportunity without a clear idea of WHO YOUR MLM target market is.  If you do, it will be a VERY slow build! 

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