MLM: Some Pre-approaches to find the right people
When I first got started online in the early 90’s, the only way to get an internet connect was to pay by the hour. I didn’t know anyone else online so for the first year I just surfed, joined email lists and learned. One of the websites I used was Learn Basic Internet Skills and I also wanted to understand all the abbreviations people were using so I found out about Emoticons and Acronyms.
I have to say, I’m amazed that these sites are still there!
Well, I immediately caught on to the power of connecting through email lists and saw the ability to connect with people and build rapport. Back then I had a successful offline business and not a lot of free time. I was getting internet bills for over $500. a month, so I figured I better start doing something productive to offset that cost.
Back in those days there were lots of sites paying regular people to help them get people to their site. So I started reviewing people’s sites and introducing them to the lists I was on. I was making about $700 a month doing that and decided that there was some real opportunity online. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: connecting through email, MLM business, networkers