How are you using Boundaries to build your MLM business?
Good fences make good neighbors, but do good personal boundaries make good Networkers?
While many Network Marketers have been conditioned to get “close” to the prospect, the real goal is to build strong, lasting relationships. The more distinct the boundaries of a relationship, the easier it is for upline and downline to know, like, and trust each other — which is essential to starting and building a business together. Boundaries are key to maintaining both strong relationships and individual strength through the inevitable ups and downs of our business.
What exactly is a Boundary and How can You Use One?
In simplest terms, a boundary sets limits, makes distinctions, informs you as to what is you and what is not you. A boundary makes clear the distinction between you and others, and tells you where one thing ends and another begins. It lets you know that another’s ideas, values, and feelings are not necessarily yours. A boundary is flexible and permeable, letting information flow back and forth. It allows you to actively listen without having judgments. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: downline, MLM business, MLM Company, MLM organization, MLM product, network marketers, Network Marketing company, networkers, Prospecting, sponsor, upline