Most Common Mistakes of a Newbie MLM Networker

When you just get started online, it’s tough…you have a lot to learn and you don’t even know the questions to ask.  I know, I’ve been there.  I was willing to just ask a lot of questions (some were really, really dumb) and I usually asked the smartest people I could find.

Here’s a few of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them and get started right:

Do NOT use FREE email addresses…no hotmail, no yahoo, no gmail.  It doesn’t give you any credibility and if you want to make money online…You don’t want to look like your broke!  Free email addresses don’t cut it!  Even aol usernames keep you anonymous.  Unless it is really descriptive of you and part of who you are online, change the aol username!

You need to recognize that most of the internet use FREE email addresses for JUNK email or a throwaway account and frankly I never take anyone seriously when I see them use a FREE email address.  I don’t care if you’re paying for it!

Get a Domain Name…try your own name first because you want to become a known entity online.  Now you won’t need a free email account because you can even park the domain but still get a useable email address for free!  It only cost less than $10. a year for the domain, so there just is NO excuse.  If you aren’t clear how to get a useable email address once you have your domain registered, just ask.

Learn about email etiquette.   There is a good report to read here: or do a search on your favorite Seach Engine.  Use a spellchecker and write like normal…don’t use all CAPS or all small letters or lots of abbreviations.  Be Professional as you will be judged online by how you interact with others.

Don’t spam…this means sending email solicitations to people you don’t know or posting ads online in a public place.  You can send an email to anyone as long as you are not trying to do business.  People naturally talk through email and eventually it will get to what you do.   On posting ads, I don’t mean on a true ad space websites…I’m talking about forums that are for discussions, not advertising.  Every place online talks about their acceptable use policy, so if they say NO ads, don’t be the first to post one.

Don’t buy MLM Leads for a penny and think you can throw them in an autoresponder.  Even a nickel or a dime per name is probably “spam”.  

I have never purchased a single MLM lead because there are just too many ways to generate people coming to you and raising their hands.  Why get stuck with a list of suspects (those you don’t know a thing about) when you can get a strong list of MLM prospects (those who genuinely show an interest in what you’re doing).

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2 Responses to “Most Common Mistakes of a Newbie MLM Networker

  • 1
    January 21st, 2008 11:34

    Great post! In the 13 years I’ve been online I’ve seen many a new MLMer’s zeal to get business break established protocols and rules that end up causing more harm than good.

    I am encouraged when folks type about this very important topic that all too many disregard. There are a couple more considerations when it comes to Business E-mail Etiquette.

    I have a site full of free E-mail Etiquette services, articles, a Blog and even a Netiquette Quiz.

    Why not stop by and check out my article Business E-mail Etiquette Basics?

    Take care ~
    Judith |

  • 2
    January 21st, 2008 18:43

    Thanks Judith. Obviously, MLM’ers aren’t the only one’s breaking established protocols and rules as I’m sure everyone is drowning in spam these days.

    I’m also surprised how few mention email netiquette because the first impression is always a lasting impression.

    Your site looks like a great resource for those who truly want to “keep it professional” and it’s laid out so you can find things quick. Great Job!

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