Network Marketing: Have a DMO?

The key to developing new disciplines is consistency. The key to developing consistency is what I call a DMO (Daily Method of Operation).  A DMO is a specific plan of daily activities that, when followed consistently, will enable you to sustain and accelerate momentum in any area of your life!  For example, if you wanted to become a serious Businessbuilder, your first step would be to establish some momentum by taking Immediate Action such as making a list and categorizing people.  Once you’ve done that, then you need to take steps to hear how your business is presented or start approaching through the product…you do have your own testimonial…don’t you? 

Obviously, doing these tasks one time or once in a while isn’t going to lead to any significant results or your goal of BEcoming a serious Businesbuilder. To sustain and accelerate your momentum, you need to do it Every Day and follow a consistent training program.  

To establish some business momentum, your sponsor should be providing you with steps to take, baby steps, but if you’ve been doing everything asked, it is a practice in building and sustaining momentum.

That’s where a DMO comes in. If you have a specific, daily regimen of activities to follow, it allows you to continue to develop new disciplines, thinking habits, and skills Consistently. These activities eventually establish your momentum and move you closer toward your better future, one day at a time!

Your sponsor should have provided an outline of the Business Plan (objectives) when you started, so your DMO consists of the specific steps (tactics) you are going to take to accomplish the objective. By now, you should have established a marketing plan with your upline (s), so that you can create a DMO based on the hours you devote to your Business. (If you haven’t, you need to start discussing that).

Obviously, it starts with what you MUST do each day…your regular routine, any personal routine and then is filled in with your business time and the activities you prefer to use. Having this kind of schedule keeps you on track.

Do you believe you can be disciplined to put together and follow a DMO?  Share your DMO below.

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